Water & Environment Task Force
How are Measure AA dollars being invested by the San Francisco Restoration Authority for marshlands restoration?
What is Measure AA?
Measure AA, or the San Francisco Bay Clean Water, Pollution Prevention and Habitat Restoration Measure, was a revenue generating measure placed on the June 2016 ballots of the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area by the Restoration Authority. The measure proposed a 20-year, $12 parcel tax to raise approximately $25 million annually, or $500 million over twenty years, to fund restoration projects in the Bay. It passed with 70% approval across the region and went into effect in 2017.
Projects will include:
- Habitat restoration projects
- Flood protection projects that are part of a habitat restoration project
- Shoreline access and recreational amenity projects that are part of a habitat restoration project
EBLC Role in Measure AA
During 2016, the Water Task Force heard presentations from both proponents as well as opponents of Measure AA and ultimately recommended to the full EBLC to support the measure.
About our Speaker
Jim Fiedler, Contra Costa County, Representing the East Bay on the Measure AA Citizen’s Oversight Committee
Jim Fiedler retired in 2017 from the Santa Clara Valley Water District. He served as Chief Operating Officer from 2007 until retiring. Over his 34 year career he amassed leadership, management and engineering experience in the areas of water supply, water quality, pollution reduction, flood protection, watershed stewardship and public financing.
Mr. Fiedler presently serves on the Board of Catholic Charities East Bay and as Officer Emeritus on the San Francisco Estuary Institute Board. He has also served on a variety of boards including: San Francisco Bay Planning Coalition, WateReuse Association, The Water Research Foundation, and the National Association of Flood and Stormwater Management Agencies (NAFSMA). He also served on the Contra Costa County 2018-2019 Civil Grand Jury. He currently volunteers with the Knights of Columbus and AARP Foundation Tax-Aide.
Date and Time
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM PST
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Meeting ID: 891 4674 5791
Passcode: 958218
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Lindy Johnson Policy Director
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